Saturday, September 5, 2009

Barbequed Country Style Pork Ribs

(Apologies again for the food photography; these were the leftovers we'll be eating tomorrow!)

Again, I got this meat on sale at Macey's for $1.49/lb. The ribs were boneless, and they were HUGE! This really isn't a recipe, but rather a method. Here's how you cook a mean, barbequed pork rib:
  1. Place pork ribs in roasting pan and sprinkle with Canadian (or Montreal) Steak Seasoning (I lined my roasting pan with aluminum foil for easy clean up).
  2. Cover ribs in roasting pan with foil or lid and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the ribs, until tender.
  3. When ready to eat, brush your favorite barbeque sauce on each rib and place ribs on pre-heated medium-heat grill.
  4. Turn ribs frequently until heated through and barbeque sauce is "baked" on, applying more barbecue sauce as desired.
These got RAVE reviews from everyone in our family and our guests. They turned out great. It was the first time I had ever used the steak seasoning and roasted them (I usually just put them in the crock pot). I think roasting them gave with the seasoning gave them great flavor!

1 comment:

  1. Boneless ribs = lots of meat = yummy! I'm going to have to try this!
